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What is Von Hippel-Lindau disease?

Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL disease) is a rare genetic disorder in which multiple tumors and cysts can grow in various parts of the body.

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What we do to support Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. A month dedicated to those affected and to raising public awareness about the causes, early detection and prevention of the disease. Did you know lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide? At MSD, we are committed to fighting lung cancer and improving cancer care. Learn how we support Lung Cancer Awareness Month.

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In October we support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know breast cancer is the most common cancer in women? At MSD, we show solidarity with those facing breast cancer and do everything we can to support further advances to help fighting the disease. Especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month October we support various activities to educate about the importance of prevention and early detection. Learn more about our commitment.

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Skin cancer prevention: Lunch & Learn about «Melanoma»

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Things to know about cancer and the biomarker MSI-H/dMMR

Cancer patients need treatment that is most suitable for their specific disease. Biomarkers, biological characteristics that can be measured in blood or tissue samples, are an aid in finding the right treatment. MSI-h/dMMR is such a biomarker.