Volunteering? A point of honor for us at MSD
Did you know that MSD employees can use 40 hours of paid working time each year to volunteer in various projects? Here you can find out how this can look like.
13 October 2023

Clean-Up-Days in Lucerne und Zurich
Every year, our employees support voluntary activities for their communities. The Clean-Up-Days in Lucerne and Zurich, organized together with the IG Sauber Umwelt (IGSU), are an example of such a volunteering opportunity.
Employees from all five MSD Switzerland locations were invited to roll up their sleeves on two days and help to rid the cities of Lucerne and Zurich of waste. A team of over 50 employees gathered to work together for this good cause.
«We have collected over 68 kg of waste and disposed of it correctly!»
Anabel D., MSD employee at the Citybay location, Lucerne

Why volunteering is important to us at MSD
Volunteering at MSD means get involved for worthy charitable organizations on a voluntary basis during paid working hours. Another possibility is to contribute your professional skills to international projects within the MSD Fellowship for Global Health Programs.
Our volunteer commitment is a sign of solidarity. It aims to promote a culture of social interaction, improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people and benefit the community. Simply put, with our commitment we want to help and give something back to society and our environment. Those who volunteer also take advantage of the opportunity to network with other MSD colleagues and learn or improve skills that are not part of their everyday work routine.
«The Clean-Up-Days were a great experience and an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from other locations.»
Rafael F., MSD employee at The Circle location, Zurich
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