How to reach us

Our locations, phone numbers and email addresses

Locations and phone numbers

MSD Citybay office
Werftestrasse 4
CH-6005 Lucerne
Tel. Reception +41 58 618 30 30
Tel. Customer service Human Health +41 58 618 38 38
Tel. Customer service Animal Health +41 58 618 14 14
Google Maps

MSD Kriens office
Ringstrasse 27
CH-6010 Kriens (LU)
Tel. +41 58 618 20 20
Google Maps

MSD Schachen location
Industrie Nord 1
CH-6105 Schachen (LU)
Tel. +41 41 499 97 97
Google Maps

MSD Tribschen office
Tribschenstrasse 60
CH-6005 Lucerne
Tel. +41 58 618 10 10
Google Maps

MSD Zurich office
The Circle 66
CH-8058 Zurich Airport
Tel. +41 58 618 40 40
Google Maps

Email addresses for inquiries and services

Requests for the MSD customer service

Product complaints or counterfeiting

Medical information requests

Ordering of product brochures and disease awareness material

Questions on animal health products

Reporting of adverse drug reactions or adverse events
You can report suspected adverse drug reactions or events to
You can also submit side effects directly to Swissmedic via an online form.

If you are a patient and you have any medical questions about your disease or medications, please contact your treating physician. MSD does not offer medical advice about treatment options and medications to patients.

CH-NON-01362, 09/2024